Reader Conversations: How Do You Want to Feel? Setting Intentions for the Rest of the Year

We usually think about setting intentions at the beginning of the year. Maybe we come up with goals, choose a word, make a plan. If we’re really organized and on top of things, we revisit this and check in with ourselves quarterly or even monthly.

On her blog last week, Lori Roberts shared the word she’s choosing for the holiday season.

I’ve been thinking about what word I want to choose for 2023. I have a list jotted down and I’m adding to it any time a word demands my attention.

And then I read Lori’s post.

Her word for the holiday season is SIMPLICITY. It’s such a beautiful thought. I love that she says it’s all about paying attention. And I love the list she wrote and hung on her fridge. (Go read the entire post).

Choosing a word is all about choosing how we want to feel.

We get to choose what we want our days to look like. Even if our situation isn’t ideal, we still get to choose how we show up within our situation. The thought takes me back to what I was saying a couple of weeks ago about changing ourselves.

a sketchbook page all about joy and things that bring me joy

What do you think?

I think this is a perfect topic for a Reader Conversation.

The holiday season can be stressful and chaotic, but it doesn’t need to be. We can choose how we want to feel; we can set intentions to guide our focus in the right direction.

So I’m turning it over to you today.

What do your holidays look like (whether you celebrate or not)? How do you want to feel in these coming weeks? What intentions do you want to set for the rest of the year? Is there a word you’d like to choose for this season?

Chime in below in the comments. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think.