Prioritize Your Big Work

I recently purchased Sarah Greenman’s Oracle Deck and this is the first card I pulled: “Prioritize Your Big Work.”

Working in my studio and pulling one of Sarah Greenman’s Oracle Cards

(Hop over to Sarah’s website and say hi. She has a blog!).

You might remember me mentioning working with oracle decks in my interview on the Craft Industry Alliance Podcast (I’ve also blogged about them). I guess they might sound a bit woo-woo to some, but I enjoy them. The messages on the cards I draw almost always resonate with me.

“Prioritize Your Big Work” was perfect for me that day. A good affirmation for what I was already doing. A reminder I’m on the right track.

And it got me thinking. About what my big work is. Yes, I’m working on a few exciting projects, but my big work is bigger than any individual project.

So what is my big work?

Creating beauty.

Spreading Joy.

Encouraging others to embrace creativity and joyful living.

mixing colors for new paintings

I create beauty with the art I make. I spread joy with my art, this blog, my Joy Letter. I encourage creativity and joyful living with all of those things and with the classes I teach.

I’m proud of my big work. And I have big dreams for it.

This is the first year I haven’t written out goals. Time kept getting away from me. I was in a bit of a creative slump, too. But I think more than either of those reasons, I didn’t write my goals because I know my goals in my heart. I know my big work. And for right now the smaller projects are on track.

I’m so grateful to have you here as part of my big work. So grateful to connect and inspire and even just remind you to look in your own life for glimmers of joy.

My black and white rescue cat Quin is helping me in the studio

I hope you’re finding it. I hope you’re prioritizing your big work, too. I’d love to hear about it.