Sips of Inspiration: an Interview with Ishrat Khawja

I’m delighted to be sharing another Sips of Inspiration interview with you today. This month’s conversation is with Ishrat Khawja. Ishrat hand-dyes beautiful yarns in her home in the UK.

Ishrat Khawja shows off some of her beautiful hand-dyed yarn

Ishrat and I “met” through our blogs. She was even one of the participants in my first Handmade Joy Exchange. That was over 8 years ago! Since then she has moved from Saudi Arabia to Algeria to the UK and during those years she taught herself to dye yarn.

gorgeous colors of hand-dyed yarn by Ishrat Khawja of Fruitful Fusion

And fell in love with the process!

Ishrat recently opened an online shop on her new website where she sells her gorgeous yarns and knitting patterns.

Red Sea Sepia Hand-Dyed Yarn by Ishrat Khawja of Fruitful Fusion

To be honest, with news weighing ever heavier I’ve been feeling the need to unplug. As June approached I wasn’t sure I wanted to keep up with Sips of Inspiration. I’m glad I went ahead and recorded a couple more interviews. Chatting with Ishrat was so uplifting. Her joy and enthusiasm for her art shine bright. Even rewatching and prepping the video to share made me smile and brought me a renewed sense of joy. And I’m reminded, again, of how important it is to forge connections, to work together and to share creativity, beauty, inspiration and joy.

Thanks for watching!

I hope you’ll take a look at Ishrat’s new site and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook and if you’re on Ravelry, check out her new Ravelry Group, too.


photos in this post © Ishrat Khawja, used with permission