Looking Back and Connecting the Dots of our Journeys

Back in December Abby Glassenberg interviewed me for the Craft Industry Alliance Podcast. Our conversation aired this week.

In the interview we talked about my creative journey going back to childhood. As with every interview I’ve ever done, after it was finished I thought about so many more aspects of my life and experiences I could have talked about.

It’s so interesting to look back at our lives and connect the dots as we wonder how we got from there

even as a child I loved plants and flowers
Anne as a child outside painting

to here.

It simplifies my story to say I left art behind after I took on the idea I was bad at it. But to be honest, although I didn’t paint or keep a sketchbook or do the things I secretly dreamed about, I never entirely left my creativity behind.

It’s easy for us to discount what we’ve done in our lives (or simply forget). Each small experience, each little curiosity shapes us into who we are.

If you’re feeling a little lost or uncertain on where to go next, it helps to look backward. Connect the dots. Remember what you loved as a child. Go back to high school and picture that version of you. What did you dream about when you were in college or working your first job? What places did you visit? Where did you spend your hard-earned cash? How did you decorate your room or dorm or apartment or house?

I think you’ll see that each seemingly unrelated step in your journey is connected to who you were, who you are and who you want to be.

Although at times I’ve been silly, taken “wrong” turns and made mistakes throughout my life, when I look back I feel such affection and empathy for all the versions of ME. When I look back I think, yes of course. Of course I’d make my way to this place. This here and now.

Maybe you’d like to spend some time remembering, too. Connecting the dots, recognizing your dreams. The dreams that have come true, the dreams you’ve forgotten to dream and the dreams that are still there, waiting. It’s never too late to take your first step in another direction.