10 Ways to Invite More Ease into Your Days and Why it Matters

When I think about the word EASE, I imagine serenity and calm. I picture being able to do hard things with confidence. I see myself flowing through my days with lightness, finesse, grace.

an inspiring collection of words and phrases typed on a vintage typewriter

Although I chose EASE as my word for 2022 back in December, I only looked up its definition this week.

From my Oxford American Dictionary:

ease n. * freedom from pain or trouble or anxiety. * relief from pain. * absence of painful effort. v. 1. to relieve from pain or anxiety. * to make less tight or forceful or burdensome. * to move gently or gradually. * to slacken, reduce severity or pressure, etc… at one’s ease: relaxed, not feeling awkward or embarrassed.

The last couple of years have been filled with stress and anxiety. I’m ready to let go of that. Maybe you are, too. No wonder EASE feels like such a perfect word for me.

EASE is a mindset.

Choosing a word for the year is about choosing a mindset.

It’s about paying attention and being mindful. It’s an intention and the commitment to follow through with the intention.

I see a year of EASE not about changing the situation but changing my perspective within the situation.

What does this mean?

I’ve started my year with Adriene’s 30 Day Yoga Journey. In all honesty it hasn’t been easy and at times the effort has been painful (and definitely awkward). And yet I’m coming to it with the intention of caring for myself, developing strength and flexibility and instilling in myself a sense of calm and ease. And I know that like with anything, with practice it will get easier.

I paint highly detailed watercolor botanicals. The process isn’t fast and easy but it’s one in which, over time, I’ve found EASE. (Again, with practice…). For my first painting of the new year, I chose a potted plant grown from a cutting from my friend Dana.

a watercolor painting of a purple and green leaved potted plant in a clay pot

During the process of every painting there are times of uncertainty, stages of awkwardness. Sometimes I stress over it and am anxious. And sometimes a painting just doesn’t work (which is perfectly ok, a natural part of the process!). Either way, the key, I’ve learned, is to just keep going. To trust the process. Another layer. Another detail. Often what wasn’t working ends up turning around to be beautiful. The leaves on this plant are a challenging color. Glowing purple and yet also green. It took layer after layer before they looked right. I didn’t quite capture the exact color of the plant in my window but I love how this painting turned out even so. The process was one of EASE, not anxiety.

Matthias and I love cooking and eating together. We don’t need fancy meals but we like taking time with good ingredients. Although much of what we like to make isn’t complicated, it wouldn’t fall under the “quick and easy” category. Yet when we cook we cook with EASE. There’s no rush. No pressure. We find joy in the process.

Inviting more EASE into my life isn’t about choosing the “easy” way, instead it’s about being easy with myself. Letting go of anxiety. Giving myself room to breathe, room to grow without feeling awkward or embarrassed or constrained.

No matter your intentions for 2022, no matter what word (if any) you’ve chosen to guide you through the year, maybe you want to invite some EASE into your days, too.

Here are some ideas how:

1 Let go of SHOULDS.

Follow your own guiding star, not what anyone else says you “should” be doing. Shoulds don’t let you make your own decisions. Shoulds come from a pace of guilt and lack of worthiness. Shoulds weigh on you and cause anxiety. Just. Let. Them. Go.

2 Focus on one thing at a time.

Our society glorifies multitasking, but I feel most flustered and anxious when I’m trying to tackle more than one thing at a time. Multitasking isn’t about EASE it’s about fragmenting your focus. Do your tasks really deserve only part of your attention? Focus on one thing at a time and be present with everything you do. The other things on your to-do list will get their chance, too.

3 Return to your why.

What drives you? What are you passionate about? What do you most want to bring into this world? When you’re focused on your why, you move through your days with more EASE. You have purpose. Maybe you’re not sure what your why is? This post about writing an artist manifesto might be a good place to start.

4 Clear out clutter.

Over the holiday break I organized and decluttered in my studio and Matthias and I organized and decluttered a few of our closets and cabinets. I can’t tell you how much more EASE it has brought to my days. I frequently put off tasks like cleaning closets, cabinets and drawers (organizing, for me, often entails throwing things into those closets, cabinets and drawers!) but it’s always worth the mess and the effort in the end.

5 Breathe.

Deep nourishing breaths. One following another following another.

6 Remember to look for JOY.

Always. Always. Always.

a snow girl made with hydrangea flowers for hair

7 Turn to the pages of your journal.

Journaling has been a lifelong practice for me. Within the pages of my journal, I can work out my feelings, figure out what I’m thinking, brainstorm ideas, clear out the clutter in my head, vent my frustrations… Any time I’m feeling down or angry or irritated or unsettled, writing in my journal helps me to find EASE.

8 Turn to a friend.

Even if a friend can’t directly help, having someone listen eases any burden. And don’t forget to be the listener, too. Even words of encouragement in a letter, text or email make a big difference. Friends can also help hold you accountable when you have big dreams, intentions and goals.

9 Make a plan.

Get your ideas down on paper. Schedule time for important projects. Literally write them on your calendar. Prioritize the goals you most want to accomplish and you won’t forget about them or be scrambling to get them done.

10 Release yourself from BUSYness.

In my Joy Letter at the beginning of the month, I shared the piece Busy is a Decision from Debbie Millman. She’s so right that saying “we’re too busy” to do something really just means it’s not important enough to us. Just as our society glorifies multitasking, so too does it glorify busyness. Rushing around multitasking and being busy is the opposite of EASE. Letting go of shoulds, focusing on one thing at a time, clearing out clutter, making a plan… all of it will help release you from busyness. And that, too, has to be a decision.

Last week in the comments Laila suggested everyone could benefit from incorporating more EASE into our days. I think she’s right. Let’s invite the EASE. I wish serenity and calm for each of us. I picture each of us tackling hard things with confidence and flowing through our days with lightness, finesse and grace.