Posts tagged Ruby Josephine Smith
Sips of Inspiration: an Interview with Ruby Josephine Smith

It’s been a month since I shared my chat with Melanie April. What a month it’s been. In some ways it feels like that time has flown by and in others it feels like much more than a month has passed since then.

Regardless of the strangeness of time, I’m delighted to be sharing another Sips of Inspiration interview today. This month’s conversation is with Ruby Josephine Smith, a dancer, choreographer, podcast host…

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Finding Joy in Difficult Times

Hello, my friend. How are you doing? Are you hanging in there? Are you riding the rollercoaster of ups and downs that it seems so many of us are feeling?

This is a difficult time and it’s ok if you’re struggling. Let’s all resolve to go a bit easy on ourselves. To allow our feelings. To do what we need to do in this moment.

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a bit of this and that, finding inspiration (and joy!) everywhere

I’ve been feeling so inspired lately. My garden is providing me with abundant painting ideas, but more than that, it seems everywhere I look I see beauty and find encouragement from people who are living authentic, creative lives.

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What does it mean to be creative?

My friend Ruby recently wrote a blog post about reclaiming the word creativity and it got me thinking. To be honest, it fired me up. I love discussions like this. I love thinking about and talking about creativity. I wrote a response to Ruby on her blog and then I thought I’d take my thoughts and craft them into a blog post of my own to extend the conversation.

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