Flower Stories

One of the things I love most about making and sharing art is forging connections around the beauty and joys of flowers. Over and over again my customers have shared their personal stories of certain plants or flowers. It’s always moving to me to learn why a specific piece of my art speaks to a person. Often they have a connection to a plant because of a connection to someone they love. I imagine a beautiful web of connections between all of us and the natural world.

This week someone bought a print of this painting of bleeding hearts.

A watercolor painting of bleeding hearts by Anne Butera

She shared a story about how her father had planted bleeding hearts in their garden before he passed away. A couple years ago the plant died and she dug it up. This year a bleeding heart plant grew up and bloomed in that same spot.

I’m so glad she shared her story. The bleeding hearts in my garden haven’t started blooming yet, but looking at them as they grow I know I will always be reminded of this story when I see them.

Bleeding hearts plants before they’ve started blooming in my early spring garden

Just as when I see colorful iris flowers I’ll be reminded of the person who bought the iris painting at my show last fall.

An exhibition of paintings by Anne Butera at Viva Gallery in Viroqua, Wisconsin

The colorful irises reminded him of his mother as they were her favorite flower and she always grew them in her garden.

I had one Artist Trading Card left after I sent the others to my exchange partners last week. On Instagram this week I offered to send it to the first person to respond. That person commented she’d planted violas in a memorial garden for her mom.

Anne Butera painted this tiny botanical watercolor of the first viola flowers of the year

I could go on and on with these stories. I’m so grateful for every one.

I think each of us has many flower stories, connections to certain plants. Memories around them deeply rooted in our souls. These stories help define us. And they connect us. To nature and to each other.

Flowers bring me joy. I love growing them. I love being near them. I love reading about them and looking at pictures of them. They draw me like a magnet whenever I see them.

And of course, now that I’m an artist, I paint them.

I grew up around flowers. My mom is a gardener and our home was always filled with houseplants, too.

young Anne Butera being introduced to the joys of African violets by her mom
young Anne Butera posing with the tulips

Flowers are rooted in my heart and soul. I have my mom to thank for that. She is part of my story and part of that beautiful web of connections.

Working on a watercolor painting of red tulips

Right now flowers, plants, nature, the coming of spring… they give me hope. These days are uncertain. Challenging. The news continues to be more and more grim. In so many ways people are becoming more and more divided. But when I sit outside in the sunshine I am reminded of the beauty of this world. The goodness. The connections of all life. The air smells of blossoming trees. The birds are all singing, building nests, feeding young. More and more flowers bloom each day. I am grateful for our world. For the tenacity of nature. And for my place in this story.

I hope you are finding hope and joy in your days, too. That you’re reminded of your own flower stories (I’d love to hear some of them!) and that they bring you peace.

Take good care.