My Giant Strawberry: Creative Joy, Watercolor Art and Garden Magic

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Reader Conversations: Do You Subscribe to Any Online Creative Memberships?

I regularly invite you, my dear readers, to engage in conversation on my blog by asking questions in my posts. Nurturing an open, encouraging and inspiring environment is important to me. I love hearing about your experiences and learning from you, whether it’s what you’re reading or what art supplies you like to use or what’s growing in your garden.

We’re all in this together. We can all learn from each other. We need to encourage and inspire and lift one another up.

In February I asked for your feedback, inviting you to share what you’d like to see here, but it’s rare that I step back and devote an entire post to asking you a question. I’d like to do more of that, so today is the first of a series of Reader Conversations posts.

I’m not sure how often I’ll publish this series (and I’m not entirely sure what other questions I want to ask). I hope you’ll enjoy sharing your thoughts and engaging with other readers, too.

Now for today’s question…

Do you subscribe to any online creative memberships?

I mean everything from larger learning platforms like Skillshare and Creativebug to inspiring independent platforms like the UPPERCASE Circle and Women Create to professional organizations like Craft Industry Alliance and Art Brand Alliance to any others including Patreon, Substack or even those that are privately hosted.

If you do subscribe, I’d love to hear about your experiences. What do you find most valuable? What’s challenging (or frustrating)? How did you decide which communities to join? If you have subscribed but ended up canceling your subscription(s), what led you to that decision?

If you don’t subscribe to any, what’s stopping you? Are there any you’re curious about joining but haven’t gotten around to yet?

I hope to get a good conversation going here in the comments, so please share your thoughts! I’ll be sharing my thoughts in the comments, too.

Thank you for being here reading my words each week. It means so much to me to be able to connect with you like this.

p.s. if there’s a topic you think would make a fun future discussion, please let me know!