My Giant Strawberry: Creative Joy, Watercolor Art and Garden Magic

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Showing My Art at Viva Gallery and Becoming a Member of the Artist Cooperative

On Main Street of my little town of Viroqua, Wisconsin there’s an art gallery run by a cooperative of 23 local artists. Each month features a special show.

Some shows highlight the work of guest artists. Some are themed member shows. And in the winter there’s a holiday marketplace with art from members and guests.

Next year is Viva’s 20th anniversary.

In 2019 I was a guest artist. This month I am again.

I’m also Viva’s newest member.

It’s been lovely. Everyone’s been so welcoming and helpful and kind.

Someone I was chatting with at the opening reception mentioned how nice it was to see my paintings hung together in person like this. She’d only seen them online.

I realized that although I can see my art any time, I rarely see so many of paintings hung together. Even preparing for the show I wasn’t able to hang them and couldn’t really see them all at once.

Walking into the gallery after the show had been hung I was struck by the beauty and joy of this garden of paintings I’ve been slowly cultivating.

I’m not bragging, in fact I’m a little stunned. But I am proud of my art and of being stubborn and brave enough to persevere as I taught myself how to paint.

I started with the first tentative strokes of my brush just about 13 years ago. It would have been so easy to give up.

I’m glad I didn’t.

It hasn’t been easy and I still struggle with fear and doubt and worry. But when I’m making art, all of that falls away.

Seeing my paintings all together like this is a reminder of how important it is that I keep going.

I don’t know where you are on your own creative journey, but I hope you can old tight to your dreams. That you can persevere.

The world needs your creative spark.

I’m so grateful to the other Viva Artists for welcoming me with open arms. And I’m grateful to Matthias and my parents for their encouragement and support.

I’m grateful for you, too. Reading my words here month after month. Bringing me encouragement, support and JOY.