My Giant Strawberry: Creative Joy, Watercolor Art and Garden Magic

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Stealing Calm Amidst the Chaos

This has been a chaotic week. Or maybe I should say, my studio has been in chaos. I’ve been filming my next Skillshare class and somehow my studio always ends up looking like a small tornado has passed through whenever I’m filming. Having my sewing table and ironing board set up in the room hasn’t helped matters. I have a few other projects in the works (including preparing for an exhibition!), and I haven’t been making as much art as I’d like.

For the most part I keep my studio fairly neat, but I also know that when I’m in the middle of projects, it will get a bit messy. I’m ok with the in-process chaos most of the time, but right now it’s like I’m working in an obstacle course. Packaging customers’ orders has involved a bit of juggling of piles of sketchbooks and supplies, too.

My messy studio is a good metaphor for life. We’re busy. We’re juggling multiple priorities. It’s messy and often feels as if there aren’t enough hours in the day.

Deep breath.

This week I stole some time. Just for me. I sat at the kitchen table in my pajamas, drinking coffee, eating a rice cake and writing in my journal. Matthias had already left for work. The house was quiet. I’d spread peanut butter on the rice cake and drizzled a little bit of honey. It felt so cozy. I savored the stillness. I decided I wasn’t going to let myself get carried away in the rush of the day. I gave myself permission for slowness. For quiet. I had a list of things I needed to do, but I knew there was enough wiggle room to give myself the morning. A bit later I went up to my studio and worked on a couple sketchbook pages. Just played with paint and did some drawing. No pressure. No rush. No need to worry about the outcome.

Winter is a time for slowing down. For quiet. For being cozy indoors. Often we don’t honor this slowness, but instead carry on like usual, often at an even faster pace with the busyness of the holiday season. I know I’ve said before that this disconnect is difficult for me. I try to remind myself that slowing down is not only OK, but natural. And we’re allowed to make our own choices. I’m allowed to choose what is best for me. You’re allowed to choose what’s best for you.

For me that’s meant slower mornings. It’s meant brewing loose-leaf tea. It’s meant snuggling up with books and cats. It’s meant pajama mornings and pajama days. It’s meant a weekend away with friends. I’ve been shifting to more contemplation, dreaming, working in my sketchbooks. I haven’t been as present on Instagram.

But unplugging is hard. There’s so much pressure to Accomplish Important Things. I feel guilty if I don’t have “something to show for myself” at the end of the day. Isn’t calm an accomplishment? Aren’t ideas important?


So here’s a reminder (if you need one). Slowing down is good for you. It’s good for your health. It’s good for your creativity. It’s good for your relationships.

Here’s to a lusciously slow weekend for us both!