My Giant Strawberry: Creative Joy, Watercolor Art and Garden Magic

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Around Here Lately

I haven’t yet gotten around to painting more tulips. I’ve been a little busy. But also standing firm against overwhelm. I’m determined to take my days slow and to enjoy the spring.

Oh how I love this time of year. The relief from winter. Being able to play with flowers and dig in the dirt.

My aunt was in town last week and I took some time off for plant shopping with her and my mom. We shopped at the Amish greenhouses and didn’t even visit every one in the area. The views as we drove through the countryside, witnessing the signs of spring were so beautiful.

I’ve been spending time in the garden every day. Sometimes digging or arranging plants. Sometimes planting seeds. Sometimes watering. Sometimes working in my sketchbook or writing in my journal.

I make a point of sitting in the garden with my coffee and my journal on nice mornings. I want to make the most of this time of year. It was a LONG winter.

My boys feel the same way. They’d spend the whole day outside if they could. Some days this winter I could barely drag them out the door.

Making time to be outside is important, even if it isn’t always easy.

My days are full. Yours probably are, too.

I just finished teaching a two-week workshop at my library about websites for artists. And I’m in the middle of creating a class on gouache for Skillshare.

Planning and editing and filming classes seems to take over my life when I’m in the middle of it. My studio gets jumbled up as I move things around for better filming making it hard to do anything else. The whole process is a lot of work (and I can get a little obsessed).

Being sure to take breaks, to go outside, to smell the roses (and bring whichever dog happens to be home with me) makes a big difference.

While I’m outside I pull a few weeds. I check the progress of seedlings, the volunteers and those I’ve planted. Maybe I move a plant or pot something up or just sit and listen to the birds. Sometimes I bring out my sketchbook. Lately I’ve been playing with colored pencils in a sketchbook with tan pages. I love getting lost in the process.

And I always feel better after spending some time outside. It puts everything into perspective. Makes the challenges feel less challenging. Makes the busyness feel less overwhelming.

I hope you are finding joy and quiet moments of relief in your busy days lately, too.